W69 Small Cubicuboctahedron

W70 Small Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedron

Pink triangles, yellow squares and orange / brown / green octagons.

Things are getting more complicated – the enclosing hull here is now a Small Rhombic Cuboctahedron – but we haven’t really moved on very far from the Octahemioctahedron. As before, there’s a corresponding shape which puts covers over the ‘holes’ and uncovers the solid triangles and squares – the Small Rhombihexahedron (W86).

Things are getting more complicated – the enclosing hull here is now a Small Rhombic Cuboctahedron – but we haven’t really moved on very far from the Octahemioctahedron. As before, there’s a corresponding shape which puts covers over the ‘holes’ and uncovers the solid triangles and squares – the Small Rhombihexahedron (W86).

W68 Octahemioctahedron
W70 Small Ditrigonal Icosidodecahedron
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