The 5 Regular (Platonic) Solids

To start our exploration of solid shapes we use just one kind of regular polygon and put the same number of them around every corner (vertex). This leads to 5 shapes:

These are called the Platonic Solids in honour of the Greek mathematician Plato, who wrote a paper about them in 360BC – though in fact they were already well known before his time. And we give them names based from Plato’s language: hedron means a face or a side, and poly means any number of, so we refer to these shapes together as Polyhedrons, or Polyhedra.

It turns out there are only 5 Regular (Platonic) solids in total: there just aren’t any more. But if we relax the rules a bit this gets us to The 13 Semi-Regular (Archimedean) Solids